Saturday, February 13, 2010

Postproduction Questions

1. When artists use others work to create their own would that be considered a readymade similar to those of Modern art?

2. What is the difference between showing someone elses work for your own or seeing the original in a gallery or museum?

3. Do we now show work of other people showing/using these others work and then again showing again and again the ever showing over and over? When does it stop? Maybe until the first work is gone, dubbed over until it is no further recognized?

4. Is the original artwork changed from its reproduction? Is it thought of different after this new twist is spun onto it?

5. If displayed originally could not anything be art? Is it the object or the act of showing in a gallery? Does putting "it" in a gallery make it art?

6. Has the new form been lost? Has it really all been done before?

7. Why did it take the artworld so long to come up with Postproduction? Is there really that much more stuff in the modern world? How come it did not take off with Duchamp's readymades? Or did it?

8. Is reusing other people's work a way of taking the easy way out of the artistic processes? So is new work all the better because so much has been created already? New ideas should outrank old ones or is it new ideas from ideas only? What is left?

9. Does reusing art help to see the old art as art, and make it stronger than it was in the past, but now in the current and contemporary? Does bringing it back give the work a second chance?

10. Does everything have an artistic potential if manipulated creatively?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe,

    as you ask questions about the reading, try also to offer your answers.

    Prof. P
